Saturday, June 27, 2015

we're awkward.

           A B O U T   R A C H E L
What would your spirit animal be? American shorthair
cat of course/pygmy goats
Who is your celebrity crush? Bradley Cooper
How do you like your coffee? Iced with caramel, cream
and sugar, please
Where is your dream vacation destination? Montana. if you watched The Bachelor season 17 with Sean and Catherine you
would understand
What is your favorite show? The Office. Jim and Pam forever
Do you have any guilty pleasures? Yes. Cat videos & eating
an excessive amount of s'mores whenever I want

             A B O U T   A L I S A   
What would your spirit animal be? Three-toed sloth
Who is your celebrity crush? Jimmy Fallon. I called to see
if his hand was ok, but no one answered...
How do you like your coffee? BLACK.
Where is your dream vacation destination? Roma!
What is your favorite show? Suits
Do you have any guilty pleasures? Pinterest binges

W E   A R E

+ Millennials
+ College grads
+ Cat lovers
+ Former (well, current) marching band geeks
+ Pinterest addicts
+ Lovers of strange smells, including musty basements... Anyone else with us?

W H A T   W E   D O

+ We like public transportation to get us where we need to go. #septa #njtransit
+ We blog because we care. And snack while doing so
+ We explore local hidden treasures and give you the inside scoop 
+ We feature the latest trends in music, design and fashion

W H Y  

+ Why not?
+ To become well rounded and realize that not everyone is a cat lady, or man
+ To meet new people and connect with local bloggers
+ To werk on our writing skillz. We'll get there...

Real talk. Thanks for checking out our first post! We hope you find amusement, inspiration and insight (plus a deep passion for the feline race) while reading our blog. Please be sure to look out for our next post soon!


we out.
rachel & alisa

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