Feature Friday: White Nest Market + Sweet Pea Ice Cream

Friday, July 31, 2015

We are thrilled to share with you our first "Feature Friday" spot, and by doing so, we hope to encourage you all to check out the local businesses that might be in your area too!

This week Ray & A explored White Nest Market + Sweet Pea, a local kitchen market and homemade ice cream shop in the heart of our little town, Perkasie. We got to speak with Danielle Marinelli, co-owner and wife of Vince Marinelli who both started Sweet Pea and White Nest Market after making pretzels in Doylestown for 15 years. 

We hosted a quick Q&A session with Danielle at the shop to learn more about White Nest Market + Sweet Pea:

Q: What is the process that goes into making the ice cream here, and what's your favorite flavor?
A: We start with 14% buttermilk sourced from a local farm and I churn the ice cream all day... Literally. I'll add the ingredients, such as 100% fresh fruit, roasted nuts, and cake pieces, and package it ready to sell at the different shops or place into large containers for fresh scoops. Caramel Pecan Praline (my personal favorite) and Mexican Chile Dark Chocolate are the some of the newest, most popular flavors in the shop right now.

Q: How did Sweet Pea and White Nest Market get their beginnings?
A: I (Danielle) was a nurse, and my husband, Vince an electrician, and we started with the pretzel business. An ice cream shop in Newtown closed one day, and Vince asked if I wanted to start making ice cream. I laughed, not thinking much of it at the time, but that's when Sweet Pea was born. We spent two years there and then opened a second location in Doylestown, and soon after, Perkasie became the third retail location. We also sell our ice cream in several Center City Philadelphia locations, and a few other cities all over the country. White Nest Market started out as an online shop focusing on modern kitchenware and home goods, but now I have been able to display the goods in the retail shops alongside my ice cream.

Q: How do you see this business influencing the community?
A: I want the community to come and hang out with their families and make awesome memories, ice cream brings people together! Buying and supporting local businesses is something that I am passionate about, and hope that other people will be as well. I also host 'Celebrity Scoop Night' with schools in the area, where the students vote on a custom flavor, I make the winning flavor and the principal and teachers take shifts scooping for the night. We encourage families to come and then give a percentage of our sales for the night back to the school. In the market side of the shop, we're going to be selling local homemade honey, pecans and nuts, beef jerky, and more, so stay tuned for more on that soon.

Be sure to look out for future Feature Fridays highlighting new awesome places by searching our Instagram hashtag #rayandafeaturefriday. And definitely stop by to taste it for yourself!



Saturday, July 25, 2015

Summer sure is winding down fast, but that doesn’t mean it’s over. Post-college life means no more school, so we’ve been trying to take advantage of that as much as possible! Though our weekends will not be filled with exotic travels, here are some fun links and things to check out if you’re bumming at home too...

+ The Hunger Games Mockingjay Part II Trailer released this week. Cue the mockingjay whistle.

+ Beware. Squirrels are now capable of crime.

+ Latest iced coffee trend. Run to your nearest coffee shop and demand it. Politely.

+ This shower curtain kicks you out in 4 minutes. Great for the environment, bad for shower addicts that stay in for over 20 minutes. You know who you are.

+ A must-have for all the fashion-forward cat ladies out there, suit up!

+ A new trend in travel will either terrify or excite you.

+ San Diego's lending a helping hand to the community through music and love of the waves.

So get out there and make the most of your summer! What have you discovered this week on the web?



Tuesday, July 14, 2015

H O L Y C O W !

It's cow appreciation day!

Chick-fil-a is celebrating Cow Appreciation Day today. Do you know what that means? Dress like a cow, go to Chick-fil-a and get a free meal. Aka dress in all white, tape black paper cutouts that look like spots to your clothing and waltz into the place to get your free meal. Udderly simple. The website actually provides you with a downloadable costume kit!

D I D Y O U K N O W 

+ Cows are social animals. This means we as humans should try to bond with them. Cows actually bond with each other and make friends within the herd while avoiding others. Sounds like mean girls to me...
+ Cows can't vomit
+ You can lead a cow upstairs, but not downstairs
+ Cows came to America with the pilgrims
+ No two cows have the exact same pattern of spots. I'm sure they embrace their uniqueness

Show your Cow Appreciation spirit, and use this download for your phone, computer, office, or send it to a fellow cow lover in the form of a greeting card!



Thursday, July 9, 2015

Disclaimer: We are not and we will never be new yorkers, but sometimes we pretend to be. The only reason we really came here was for Jimmy. Jimmy Fallon. We were able to explore a lot, eat a lot, and walk a lot. We burnt over 30,000 calories according to Alisa (jk. 3,000 calories)

W H E R E   W E   E X P L O R E D

+ Times Square - Filled with too many tourists and weird smells
+ Central Park - A great place to get a workout you didn't realize you needed and find a cool castle invaded by annoying herds of day camp kids
+ The Metropolitan Museum of Art - Filled with endless pieces of art from every time period you can imagine. From sculptures, to statues, to paintings, to a creepy film about a monkey child with a human mask. A lady burst out either crying or laughing while the film was playing. We still have no clue what her reaction was
+ NBC Studios - Our dream came true…we don't have pictures, but we swear we saw him. We were banned from taking photos and snacking. We even set the metal detectors off in the process and security wasn't even concerned. Didn't even care *in Jimmy Fallon mob voice*
+ Bill's Bar & Burger - BANGIN’ BURGERS AND MOUTHWATERING MILKSHAKES. 'Nuff said. Highly recommend
+ Bouchon Bakery - An adorable bakery with cute pastries, friendly employees, and great coffee. What more can you ask for?

W H A T   W E   L E A R N E D

+ Always pay for your bus ticket ahead of time. Especially if you're the first stop and the bus driver lacks change and is grumpy
+ Not everyone understands or appreciates art. This may lead to some deep conversations and sarcastic remarks, but that’s a step in the right direction
+ Don't ask the po po for good eats in the area. They might not be from the area. Heck, they might even be from The Bronx. Instead, ask a sales associate

We love NYC, but always cherish coming back home. What are some of your favorite places to explore in the big apple?


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