National Cat Day!

Thursday, October 29, 2015

National Cat Day!

Happy National Cat Day! Sorry dog people, today’s all about our friends of the feline PURR-SUASION. In celebration of one of our favorite holidays, we’re featuring our little furballs today and giving them their big breaks...


Master: Rachel
Favorite Activity: Sticking his nose in a Sherpa blanket and purring loudly. So loud I'm pretty sure everyone in our town can hear him. Also getting his picture taken, as you can see. He's the most photogenic cat I've ever had.
Alter-ego: Kevin Malone from the Office because he's silly and loves to eat!
Treat of Choice: Nothing. I'm not sure what his deal is. Normal cats love treats...
Pet Peeve: Tummy rubs. He is not about getting those. Ever.

Master: Alisa
Favorite Activity: licking and scratching. She literally never stops.
Alter-ego: Beyonce, AKA, the Queen B. Girl's got sass.
Treat of Choice: leftover cereal milk
Pet Peeve: plastic bags and spray bottles. GET. THEM. AWAY. FROM. ME.

Not sure how to celebrate or treat your little furry friend? PAW-LEASE… Here are 5 ways to celebrate National Cat Day, but surely you can think of other ways to love on your cat today (and always!)


Halloween Inspiration

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

As the leaves are changing color, and the air is getting colder, that must mean that Halloween is creeping up on us! Whether you bob for apples, take your little cousins trick or treating so you can get candy, or just love covering your whole house with seasonal decorations, we’ve made a list of our Halloween favorites this year!

O U R F A V O R IT E C O S T U M E S !

1. Minions are the craze of the year, why not be one?

2. Oui, oui! You probably have the staple piece for this French girl costume in your own closet.
3. This Mary Poppins outfit really is supercalifragilisticexpialidocious!

F E S T I V E   D E C O R A T I O N S !

1. Pumpkin carving isn't the only way to make your fall pumpkins one of a kind— check out some of these unconventional pumpkin decorating ideas.
2. This wall of bats is a simple, but effective way to make a statement this Halloween season!
3. These tin can luminaries are so adorable, we want to make them!

S P O O K Y   T R E AT S !

1. These Frankenstein pops are scary cute!
2. Simple, and sweet, we're wrapped up in these Pumpkin Cheesecake Truffle Mummies.
3. Don't know what to do with all that leftover Halloween candy? Make a Halloween candy bark!

To get yourself in the trick-or-treating spirit, we have a spooky download for you!

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