Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Pun intended. We are all about adding pin flair to our favorite jean jacket, backpack, hats– pretty much anything with fabric that needs some pin love. So many of our favorite designers have been creating pins and we cannot get enough of them. See below for some of our favorites and why!

Stamp Enamel Pin by Rifle Paper Co. - We love sending/receiving cards and packages in the mail. Everyone should take the time to write more letters! Fun fact: Before we went off to college we decorated shoe boxes to store cards and letters that we would send back and forth to each other.

Black Cat Pin by Jen Collins - With all the cat pins out there it is difficult to have an absolute favorite, but this one is just purrfect. Personal shoutout to all the cat ladies out there!

Cactus Pin by Steffi Lynn at Haveanicedayy - It's difficult to pick just one favorite from this gal, but this cactus pin looks particularly sharp. Brings back memories of Cali last summer exploring Joshua Tree surround by cacti. TAKE US BACK.

JAWN Pin by SouthFellini - What is a 'Jawn' you ask? If ya don't know, ya ain't from Philly. Also, #longlivewawa

Ghost Pin by the Good Twin - These little guys aren't so spooky– in fact they bring a little smile and pizzaz to even the saddest of jackets or backpacks!

Can't Quit Pin by Mary Kate McDevitt - For all the doodlers in the world, this pin reassures us all it's ok to never quit (sketching, that is)

We could literally go on for days about our favorite pins– maybe we'll even share some of our own collection, but we'd love to see some of your favorite pins, too, so send 'em our way! Happy pinning!

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