Summer may be coming to a close, but that doesn't mean we can't drag it on for as long as possible! Since peaches are still in season, and lemonade is always a refreshing summer treat, why not combine them into popsicle? These peach lemonade popsicles taste like summer on a stick!
We'll show you how to make these popsicles below:
We'll show you how to make these popsicles below:

Step 1: Begin with your typical powdered lemonade mix, or a lemonade starter like Country Time’s Lemonade Starter. We used the Country Time powdered lemonade mix for these pops.
Step 2: We only needed enough lemonade for the popsicles, so we went with the quart measurements, and added the amount of powdered lemonade mix marked "one quart" in the cap to four cups of water. Mix well.
Step 3: These pops are simple— grab a peach and dice it into pieces small enough to fit in your popsicle mold.
Step 4: Place the peach pieces into the popsicle molds, then pour the lemonade into the molds.
Step 5: Put the lid and popsicle sticks into the molds, and refrigerate for about 5-6 hours, or until completely frozen.
Inspiration for this post was from The First Year blog and her Berry Lemonade Popsicle recipe.