Peach Lemonade Popsicles

Monday, August 24, 2015

Summer may be coming to a close, but that doesn't mean we can't drag it on for as long as possible! Since peaches are still in season, and lemonade is always a refreshing summer treat, why not combine them into popsicle? These peach lemonade popsicles taste like summer on a stick!

We'll show you how to make these popsicles below:

Step 1: Begin with your typical powdered lemonade mix, or a lemonade starter like Country Time’s Lemonade Starter. We used the Country Time powdered lemonade mix for these pops.

Step 2: We only needed enough lemonade for the popsicles, so we went with the quart measurements, and added the amount of powdered lemonade mix marked "one quart" in the cap to four cups of water. Mix well.

Step 3: These pops are simple— grab a peach and dice it into pieces small enough to fit in your popsicle mold.  

Step 4: Place the peach pieces into the popsicle molds, then pour the lemonade into the molds. 

Step 5: Put the lid and popsicle sticks into the molds, and refrigerate for about 5-6 hours, or until completely frozen.

Inspiration for this post was from The First Year blog and her Berry Lemonade Popsicle recipe.


4 Instagrams to Follow - Photographers

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

With so many photos blowing up our Instagram feeds, it’s easy to breeze right over them. We decided to share a few of our favorite photographers on Instagram with you this week, so make sure to check them out, and give them a follow!

@Laurenapelphoto - A husband and wife photography team specializing in wedding photos, and  hailing from Texas who somehow capture each subject’s story in the perfect way.

@Robertjhillphotography- West Coast wedding photographer who loves to incorporate the beautiful, natural surroundings of the Pacific Northwest and wherever his travels may take him.

@ericleva - Eric Leva is an LA-based singer, songwriter, and musician who really takes advantage of the term ‘white space’ in his photographs. Follow him for your daily dose of West Coast minimalism at it's finest!


@urbanxkoi - Nana Tsay lives and photographs in NYC, and has such a narrative to all of her photos. She also has some great film work in her portfolio!



Monday, August 10, 2015

Did you realize that it's National S'mores Day? If you haven't already start up a fire pit, start roasting and eat as many s'mores as you possibly can. For real. Ray has a slight love for s'mores. Just a little bit...

To celebrate this glorious holiday we're sharing a free download to celebrate today and our favorite s'mores ideas from fellow bloggers that you must try before the summer ends. 

+ O N E : Indoor S'mores
+ T H R E E : Miniature S'mores Pies
+ F I V E : S'mores Iced Coffee

We even made our own s'mores! Yes, we succumbed to the chocolatey pressure that is this favorite summertime treat... we made traditional s'mores, chocolate chip cookie s'mores, and Reese's s'mores!


DIY: Photo Easel

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Want a unique and fun way to show off your favorite Instagram photos at home or in the office? This DIY project is the perfect way to display your funny cat pictures, dreamy vacation photos, or trendy city pics.


Wooden easel, 4x4 artist panel, spray paint, Glue Dots, Instagram photos

S T E P   0 1 

Spray paint the wooden easel. Be sure to let it dry in between coats

S T E P   0 2
Remove four Glue Dots from the box. Apply Glue Dots to each corner of the artist panel

S T E P   0 3
Carefully place the photo on top of the Glue Dots keeping the edges lined up, and gently press down on each corner of the artist panel.

V O I L A !
This DIY was in collaboration with Renée Nicolo Photography who provided the photography for our first DIY. Be sure to check her out!



Sunday, August 2, 2015

I T ' S   F R I E N D S H I P   D A Y ! 

We can thank the kind folks in Paraguay for instituting International Friendship Day, where we devote a day to honoring our friends (but we hope everyone does that every other day too…) 

You may be wondering how Ray & A became friends— no? Well, we’re going to tell you anyway. That one time at band camp… But actually— We met at high school band camp. 
It was lunch time, and it’s awkward to sit at a table by yourself, so Alisa found a table full of nice-looking clarinet players and a lone mellophone and decided that’s where she would eat her turkey sandwich. Within a few minutes, Rachel and Alisa became Ray & A, and sniffing each others’ sandwiches sort of broke the ice. It is really as weird as it sounds.

We were both involved in choir, yearbook, NHS and of course marching band. High school was quite an awkward point in our lives, but we made it through without drawing too much attention to ourselves. Except when Rachel fainted a few times during various marching band events and Alisa ripped her pants right before a big band competition. Anyways, we both ended up going to separate colleges and staying in contact by sending letters through snail mail. That lasted a little while, but we made it a point to get together during breaks when we could. Now that we have both graduated college we find ourselves getting into more shenanigans. THANK GOODNESS. 

Lasting friendships are there through the ups and downs, changes and everything in between. It is about encouraging, listening, supporting and being able to create countless memories with each other. Be sure to let your friends know how much you appreciate their friendship today and always, and download this free Friendship Day card or computer wallpaper.  

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