Saturday, January 23, 2016

Get out your pen and ink, it’s National Handwriting Day! (Bonus points if you have a quill and inkwell.)

Yes, this is a thing. In fact, WIMA (Writing Instrument Manufacturers Association) made it an official day to celebrate the art of the handwritten gesture. "Though computers and e-mail play an important role in our lives, nothing will ever replace the sincerity and individualism expressed through the handwritten word." —David H. Baker, WIMA's Executive Director. We couldn’t agree with this statement even more.

Check out some of these handwritten samples we’re swooning over:

We’re all about sending handwritten letters and cards through snail mail. So, get out a writing utensil and write a friend or loved one a letter! Everyone loves receiving something in the mail no matter how big or small.


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What We're Into

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

With the new year comes fresh ideas, trends and overall new stuff to explore. January so far has been nothing less than crazy, but we’re sharing what we've been able to keep up with this week.

The Powerball. Over $1.3 billion. Every college graduates dream to rid their lives of debt.

Everyone loves pizza, even city rats

Want the caffeine without drinking copious amounts of coffee? That's what coffee flour is for.

In case you missed the Golden Globes, you can check out the best dressed ladies right here:

Turns out owning a house can be affordable, especially when you use only reclaimed materials to build it.

This designer created a way for everyone to be more creative in the kitchen.

It's hard to stay neat and tidy, but these craft room organizational tips from The Crafted Life motivate us to keep our spaces clean!

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New Year Motivation

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

It's never a new year without making a few resolutions that, let's face it, we'll probably forget all about in the next few weeks. 

Use this print as your phone wallpaper, office art or just a reminder that you've got this!

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