DIY: Re-Purposed Altoid Tins

Friday, March 25, 2016

We all know and love that notorious, classic green and gold tin known as Altoids, but what happens when those strong little mints are gone? Re-use it, people! We have three practical, easy-peasy ways to re-use your own collection of Altoids tins.

1. The Lil' Commuter's Travel Kit

Whether you take 3 trains a day, or drive 20 minutes to work, this little kit will have everything you need! Keys, change, bus fare, headphones, and a phone charger cord— you'll never be ill-prepared again! Toss it all in the tin, and throw it in your purse, and you're ready to go!

2. The Lil' Primp and Pamper Emergency Kit

We've all been in the situation where our hair just won't cooperate and we need a hair tie, or when our lips are (in the words of Napoleon Dynamite) FREAKING CHAPPED AND NEED CHAPSTICK. These little mint tins are perfect sizes for your everyday-hair and face-fixer needs!

Yes, that is cat chapstick, stop judging us...

3. The Lil' Sewing Kit (no, Grandma didn't make this for us)

Sewing seems to be a skill of the past, but it's time to put the needle to the thread and fix that little hole in your favorite sweater yourself. Keep some extra pieces of fabric or patches, some needles and a few mini thread spools in the tin so you'll never have to ask your mom to sew it for you again. Trust us, she'll thank you.

Our cats have sure been into our DIY's lately... that or they just want to be famous. Divas... 


Color Inspiration: Peachy Echo

Monday, March 21, 2016

With spring finally here we’re ready for long days full of sunshine and bright colors everywhere. This week we’re featuring Pantone’s Peachy Echo. Peachy Echo screams warmth, fun and happiness, just what need after the ups and downs of winter.

What bright colors are you into this spring?!


Photos: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 


Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Sometimes the best ideas spark when you're rummaging through your college craft boxes... literally! This is the perfect way to recycle brown kraft paper bags and use your excessive amount of paint color swatches that you've been hoarding (admit it, you know you do...) Put together this DIY in less than 5 minutes for the perfect finishing touch to your gift bags or boxes!


+ Brown kraft paper bag
+ Gift tag punch
+ Paint color swatches
+ Hole punch
+ Scissors
+ Glue stick
+ Marker
+ A cat or two to keep you company (optional, but highly recommended)

Step 1: Use the gift tag punch on the side of the kraft paper bag. One punch on the side should get you two or three tags at once from the layers.
Step 2: Cut strips from the paint color swatches or any other fun shapes! Glue these onto the tags.
Step 3: Use the hole punch at the top of the tags and customize with your marker!

Use fun colors for birthdays and colors coordinating with holidays to have gift tags for any occasion! We would love to see your creations use #rayandablog so we can see your take on this DIY!

P.S. - This DIY could not have been possible without the company of cats Skipper and Binx. We couldn't have done it without their constant interruptions of playing and laying on literally everything.



Tuesday, March 8, 2016

This week has been crazy busy, and we can’t believe it’s already MARCH. As hectic as life is day-to-day, we all need a little caffeine in our lives, and thankfully La Colombe gave us a little Christmas miracle smack in the middle of the winter that definitely gives us a little pep in our step. It’s called the Draft Latte. **WARNING:** Recovering coffee addicts, this post is definitely not for you.

Back in 2015, La Colombe’s CEO dreamt a wonderful dream to make the smoothest, most frothy latte but from a keg. We’re not talking beer, we’re talking huge coffee innovation here people. Rachel and I couldn’t contain our excitement to try them for ourselves, so we conducted a highly scientific, separated taste test…


Smell: The scent of freshly brewed coffee. Drank mine straight from the can, after it exploded all over my desk. That woke me up. Good morning to me! 
Taste: Literally tastes like a freshly made latte right out of the coffee shop. At first you taste the coffee with a slight touch of cocoa and then BAM espresso.  
Texture: Rich and smooth. Followed by lovely latte froth

Overall Rating: 9/10. Very, very enjoyable. A perfect morning pick-me-up. Dare I say this was my first La Colombe experience? Definitely heading to their shop with A sometime in the near future!


Smell: Heavenly. Pour it out of the can and into a glass unless you're into the metallic smell of aluminum cans...

Taste: BEYOND WORDS. It's got the slightest hint of chocolatey-sweetness, quickly followed by a strong bit of espresso, and it's from the tap, so it's ever so slightly bubbly. 

Texture: Smoother than the creamiest milkshake you've ever had. 

Overall Rating: 10/10. This is definitely my new preferred drink of choice, and it's even more dangerous it comes in little, pack-able cans because I can literally carry them anywhere. It's like being able to have your favorite little coffee house experience wherever you go, it tastes just as good! La Colombe, you're doing it oh, so right.  

*Alisa has indeed had a draft latte prior to this tasting, but the results are not skewed, it’s still as delicious, and rich in the can as it is straight from the tap. I NEVER lie about my coffee.

**This post was not sponsored or endorsed in any way, we just love coffee and love taking photos of it!

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